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Welcome to 4-YOUR-CAT, the ultimate cat shop for your beloved cat!

At 4-YOUR-CAT you will find a carefully curated selection of high-quality products that are specifically tailored to your cat's needs. No matter whether it's toys or care products - we offer you first-class items that will make your furry friend's heart beat faster.

We are passionate cat owners who are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. We are always keen to help you choose the right products and give you valuable advice for your cat's well-being. Your satisfaction and, above all, the well-being of your cats are our top priority.

We know that every cat is unique and has its own preferences. That's why we attach great importance to details and look for special products that meet individual requirements. With us you will find lovingly designed, well thought-out and cat-friendly items that make living with your cat even more beautiful. Each of these items has been tested and found to be good by us and especially by our velvet paw.

So, don't wait any longer! Stop by, discover our diverse range and let yourself be inspired by our passion for cats.

Your cat deserves only the best - and that's what you'll find with us!

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Cats meow for a variety of reasons, and meowing is their primary form of communication with humans. Here are some of the most common reasons why cats meow:

1. Communication: Cats meow to communicate with their owners. They may meow to attract attention, to be fed, to be let outside, or simply to acknowledge their human's presence ("welcome meow").

2. Social Interaction: Cats can meow to encourage social interactions with other cats or people. It may be an attempt to get attention or to make contact.

3. Stress or Anxiety: When cats are stressed or anxious, they may meow to express their anxiety. This can occur when their environment changes, they find themselves in an unfamiliar situation, or they feel threatened.

4. Pain or discomfort: If a cat is in pain or discomfort, it may meow to draw attention to it. This may be an indication to the owner that medical attention is required. However, some cats suffer in silence. You should then observe the behavior here. It is always a warning sign when cats that have been constantly meowing suddenly become quiet and vice versa.

5. Reproductive behavior: Unneutered cats may meow to express their willingness to mate. This behavior is usually exhibited by tomcats and cats around six months to two years of age. This can range from normal meows to meow arias and can last for several days.

It is important to interpret a cat's meow and pay attention to the animal's needs and emotions. If a cat meows unusually much or its behavior suddenly changes, it may be a sign of an underlying problem that requires veterinary attention.


Cats purr for a variety of reasons, and there are several theories as to why this behavior occurs in cats. Here are some of the most common reasons:

1. Well-Being and Relaxation: A main reason why cats purr is because they feel comfortable and relaxed. Purring is often a sign that the cat is in a comfortable environment, whether cuddling with its owner while sunbathing or lying in a cozy place.

2. Communication: Cats use purring to communicate with their owners and other cats. It can be an expression of affection, joy or relaxation. Cats often purr to strengthen their bond with humans and to attract attention.

3. Stress Relief: Purring can also be a way for cats to deal with stress or anxiety. It can help them calm down and relax, especially in unfamiliar or stressful situations.

4. Pain Relief: Purring is believed to have pain relieving properties. Some cats purr when they are sick or injured. This could help relieve pain and promote healing.

5. Bonding in the mother-child relationship: Mother cats often purr to create a close bond with their kittens and to calm them down. At the same time, kittens purr to reassure their mother and acknowledge her presence.

6. Purring is even said to have healing effects in cats and humans: stimulating bone growth (e.g. in the case of broken bones), for muscle and joint problems, for lung diseases, against high blood pressure, against depression, etc.

It's important to note that cats can purr in different situations, and the meaning may vary depending on the context. However, if a cat purrs suddenly and persistently, for no apparent reason, and this is accompanied by other signs of discomfort, a veterinarian should be consulted to ensure there are no serious health problems.


A cat's tail is an important means of communication and can express various emotions and intentions. Here are some common meanings and signals associated with the cat's tail:

1. Happy and Relaxed: When a cat's tail is erect and pointing straight up, it is often a sign that the cat is happy and relaxed.

2. Ready to Play: When a cat's tail wags back and forth, it can indicate that it is ready to play. This wagging can be accompanied by a playful attitude.

3. Curious: A slightly curved tail pointing forward often indicates curiosity. The cat is attentive and explores its surroundings.

4. Fearful or nervous: A lowered tail held close to the body may indicate fear or nervousness. The further the tail is lowered, the more uncomfortable or anxious the cat feels.

5. Aggressive or irritable: A tail that is fluffed up and raised in the air can indicate aggression or anger. This can be accompanied by hissing noises and tense body.

6. Unhappy or Stressed: A tail swinging back and forth that vibrates or twitches rapidly can indicate dissatisfaction or stress. In this situation it is advisable to leave the cat alone.

7. Affection: A slow tail flick or wrapping the tail around your arm or body can be a sign of affection. This often occurs when cuddling or cuddling.

It is important to note that the meaning of the cat's tail should be interpreted in conjunction with other cat body language signals and behaviors. Each cat can have subtle differences in their tail positioning, so it's helpful to have a good understanding of your cat's individual personality and behavior to recognize their needs and emotions.


Cats hiss for a variety of reasons, and these are usually warning signs or signs of discomfort. Here are some of the main reasons why cats hiss:

1. Fear or threat: When a cat is in a stressful or frightening situation, it may hiss to defend itself. This can occur if she is threatened by other animals, is in an unfamiliar environment, or feels unsafe.

2. Pain or discomfort: Cats may hiss when they feel pain or discomfort. This may be an indication that the cat needs medical attention.

3. Territorial Aggression: Cats are territorial animals, and when they feel their territory is threatened, they may hiss to scare away intruders.

4. Dominance battle: In multi-cat households, cats may hiss to establish their dominance or hierarchy within the group. This is often seen during arguments or power struggles between cats.

5. Protecting resources: Cats can become aggressive if they feel that their resources, such as food or toys, are threatened by other cats. This can lead to hissing.

6. Discomfort during the vet exam: A visit to the vet can be stressful for many cats. Some cats hiss during the exam due to fear or discomfort.

It is important to understand that hisses are natural cat behaviors that serve as a form of communication. It is advisable not to harass or provoke cats in such situations as this can lead to aggressive behavior. Instead, it is important to identify the causes of the hissing and take appropriate action to calm the situation and ensure the cat's needs are met. If aggressive behavior persists or if there are signs of pain or discomfort, a veterinarian should be consulted.



Cats scratch for various reasons, and this behavior is hardwired into cat nature. Here are some of the main reasons why cats scratch:

1. Claw Care: Scratching helps cats maintain their claws. Scratching removes the outer layers of the claws, which helps them keep claws sharp and ready for use. This is important for catching prey and defending yourself.

2. Territorial marking: Cats have glands in their paws that secrete scents. When they scratch, they leave behind scent markings to mark their territory. This is a form of communication with other cats and a sign that a certain area is claimed by them.

3. Stretching and muscle building: Scratching allows cats to stretch and strengthen their muscles. It is a type of workout and helps to keep your body muscles in good condition.

4. Stress Relief: Scratching can help cats relieve stress. In stressful situations or when they are anxious, scratching can help them calm down.

5. Boredom and energy drain: Cats are naturally playful animals. Scratching is often used to burn off excess energy and relieve boredom. A scratching post or board can offer cats a suitable opportunity to live out their play instinct.

It is important that cats have the opportunity to sharpen their claws in a safe and acceptable manner. This can be achieved by providing scratching options such as scratching posts, scratching boards or scratching boards. It is advisable to inspect the scratching options regularly and replace them when they become worn. Cats should not be punished for scratching, but instead should be encouraged to use the scratching surfaces provided.


  1. Relaxation: Cats often lie on their backs when they relax. This can be a sign that she feels safe and comfortable around you.
  2. Well-being: Lying on your back can also be an expression of well-being and satisfaction. The cat may enjoy the petting or attention it is receiving.
  3. Invitation to play: Sometimes cats lie on their backs to play with their owners. This can be an invitation to tickle the cat's belly or interact with it.
  4. Trust: A cat may lie on its back to express its trust in you as its owner. This is a sign that the cat feels safe and close to you.


When your kitten rubs his head against you, pheromones are released. These are feel-good hormones that are produced in your cat's cheeks. Your cat feels really comfortable in your company and likes you!


Having a happy cat is every cat owner's goal. Here are some tips to ensure your cat lives a happy and fulfilling life:

1. Healthy diet: Make sure your cat gets a balanced, high-quality diet. The diet should meet your cat's needs based on age, health and activity level. Consult a veterinarian to determine the best diet for your cat.

2. Vet Visits: Regular veterinary exams are crucial to maintaining your cat's health. Make sure that all recommended vaccinations and dewormings are carried out (approximately every 6-12 months)

3. Clean litter box: Keep the litter box clean and well maintained. Most cats are very clean and will avoid the litter box if it is dirty and will simply look for another place (e.g. sink, shower, corner of the room, etc.)

4. Play and exercise: Make sure there is enough play and exercise. Cats love to chase and play. Give your cat opportunities to exercise his hunting instincts, whether through interactive toys or occasional trips outside in a safe yard. Make sure to reward your cat (e.g. treats) after playing with a laser pointer, otherwise it may lose interest at some point. She is usually successful when hunting mice.

5. Scratching options: Offer your cat scratching options in the form of scratching posts or boards. Scratching is a natural behavior that allows for claw care and stress relief. If she scratches on furniture, pick her up and put her back where she can scratch. If she scratches in the “right” place, reward her with a “treat”.

6. Social Interaction: Spend time with your cat. Cats are social animals and enjoy the company of their owners. Stroking, cuddling and playing are important forms of social interaction.

7. Space for rest: Provide a quiet and comfortable place for your cat to retreat to when it needs peace and relaxation. Offer your cat different sleeping places where it feels safe and can rest well.

8. Companionship for cats: If possible, the company of a fellow cat or playmate can promote a happy cat. Cats are often sociable and enjoy interacting with other cats. However, some cats are so dominant that they will not tolerate another cat near them.

9. Fresh air and sunlight: If your cat has access to a secure outdoor area, provide fresh air and sunlight. These environments can stimulate the cat's senses and increase their well-being. For outdoor animals, it makes sense to have them chipped and registered. Then it can be assigned again if it gets too far away.

10. Healthy Environment: Keep your home clean and safe. Remove potential hazards such as poisonous plants, hazardous household items, and chemicals.

11. Mental Stimulation: Provide your cat with mental stimulation through puzzle and intelligence toys. This can prevent boredom and promote your cat's cognitive abilities.

12. Patience and Love: Give your cat patience and love. Cats have different personalities and needs. Give your cat time to adapt to new environments or changes and show him affection and care.

13. Comb your cat regularly to prevent tangles and hairballs. Otherwise, during your cat's daily grooming, the hair can get into its stomach and it will have to regurgitate it later. Cat hair can disrupt the digestive process.

By following these tips and considering your cat's needs and personality, you can ensure that your cat lives a happy and fulfilling life.